The Michael D. McCoy St. Jude Runs Scholarship History and Impact
What is the Michael D. McCoy St. Jude Runs Scholarship?
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the St. Jude Memphis to Peoria Run, a group of runners established the Michael D. McCoy St. Jude Runs Scholarship. The scholarship was created for several reasons:
- To honor the progress made by St. Jude in the fight against childhood cancer since 1962. At that time, the cure rate for all childhood cancers was less than 5%. It is now over 90%, but we still have a long way to go.
- To honor those who have joined the St. Jude family: patients, siblings, parents, runners, and volunteers. In that spirit, we open this scholarship to current or former patients AND their siblings.
- To honor Mike McCoy and his tireless work for St. Jude and the Midwest Affiliate. It’s easy to say St. Jude and the Affiliate would not have the regional awareness they have without Mike’s efforts.
What impact has the scholarship made?
Since its inception in 2006, a seven-member committee has awarded 35 scholarships (ranging from $500 to $1000) to 37 recipients. In total, we have provided $30,000 to help patients and siblings pay for college.
The Michael D. McCoy St. Jude Runs Scholarship is administered by the Community Foundation of Central Illinois and began as a $25,000 investment. Our total awards have exceeded that number because of generous donations from the St. Jude Runs community over the years.
Why do we need your help?
Our current account balance will only cover scholarships for several more years. To ensure our ability to continue this scholarship and make a difference in the lives of Midwest Affiliate patients and siblings, we are asking members of our St. Jude family to contribute if they are able by following the steps below.
How can you contribute?
There are a few ways to donate. If you prefer an online option, you can follow this link to the Community Foundation of Central Illinois: Michael D. McCoy St Jude Runs Scholarship Donation Page. Here, you have the option of making a one-time or recurring donation.
You can also make out checks to the Community Foundation of Central Illinois, writing “St. Jude Runs Scholarship” in the memo line. To make the process easier for CFCI, all checks can be mailed to Doug Valentine, who will send them to CFCI in bulk.
Doug Valentine
Columbia, MO 65203
1424 E Georgetown Loop
With the help of our St. Jude Runs family, we will make sure this scholarship thrives and continues to help patients and their families with college costs. If you have any questions, please contact the Michael D. McCoy St. Jude Runs Scholarship Committee Chair, Doug Valentine, at 309-678-8158 or
Thank you,
The Michael D. McCoy St. Jude Runs Scholarship Committee